
Cek Akreditasi Universitas Ban Pt

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Tutorial kali ini adalah lanjutan dari tulisan saya yang kemarin tentang Cara Cek Akreditasi Universitas Melalui BAN PT,kalau yang kemarin itu cek akreditasi kampusnya,yang sekarang adalah cek status mahasiswanya. Cara ini adalah cara untuk mengecek apakah kita kuliah setiap hari dengan susah payah,letih dan lesu itu benar-benar di akui dan.

  1. Download Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi
  2. Akreditasi Universitas Diponegoro

Kompas, page 11 President Joko Widodo promised the government would pay attention to higher education/ universities including increasing scholarships for students from poor families this year to become 60,000 recipients. This was conveyed by President Joko Widodo when inviting 23 rectors of state and private universities in a luncheon at the State Palace, Thursday (10/9). During the meeting, the President not only shared information related to the current dynamics in the country, but also asked for input on improvements that need to be done. Rectors present were from various universities in Java, Sumatera, Sulawesi, Bali, and Kalimantan islands. Rector of the University of Sebelas Maret, Solo, Ravik Karsidi asked about the operational costs of state universities. The President ensured the amount would at least be the same as last year’s.

At that opportunity, Rector of the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Dwikorita also conveyed on the researches in higher education that could be utilized by industry. However, there is still a lack of state higher education cooperation with the industry sector. In response, the President conveyed that he was ready to support higher education in developing research results. Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) mengevaluasi akreditasi sejumlah universitas yang bermasalah.

Menurut Ketua BAN PT Mansyur Ramly, ada 200-an perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang bermasalah sehingga perlu dievaluasi. Menurut Mansyur, data di BAN PT ada 200 lebih perguruan tinggi yang masuk kategori bermasalah. Black swan movie download. Ini cikal bakal nanti untuk dievaluasi mendalam. Dalam proses evaluasi, BAN PT akan menilai kembali apakah proses pembelajaran atau tingkat mutu pembelajaran perguruan tinggi itu masih sama dengan ketika diberikan akreditasi atau tidak. Sebab, lanjut Mansyur, dalam surat keputusan BAN PT dinyatakan bahwa peringkat akreditasi perguruan tinggi berlaku sepanjang program studi atau perguruan tinggi ini melaksanakan mutu yang sama.

Mansyur juga menyampaikan bahwa BAN PT tengah mengevaluasi akreditasi perguruan tinggi yang diduga melakukan praktik jual beli ijazah palsu. Ada 20-an universitas yang diduga menerbitkan ijazah palsu yang kini masuk dalam radar evaluasi BAN PT. Dari 20-an perguruan tinggi itu, tujuh di antaranya merupakan perguruan tinggi yang diberikan sanksi Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi. Ia menyampaikan bahwa proses evaluasi akreditasi ini tidak dapat dilakukan dalam waktu singkat. BAN PT akan berhati-hati dalam melakukan evaluasi mengingat banyaknya program studi yang dimiliki setiap universitas. BAN-PT tidak ingin mahasiswa menjadi korban.


The National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education Institution (BAN-PT) is currently evaluating a number of problematic universities’ accreditation. According to BAN PT Chairman Mansyur Ramly there were around 200 problematic universities in Indonesia which needed to be evaluated. According to Mansyur, based on BAN PT data there were more than 200 universities categorized as ‘problematic’. In the evaluation process, BAN PT will re-assess whether the universities’ learning process and its level of quality remains equal with the previous period when the accreditations are provided. Mansyur asserted according to the BAN PT’s decree, the accreditation was not permanently in effect for the study program’s lifetime. Instead, it depends on whether the respective university maintains the same level of quality.

Mansyur also said BAN PT was evaluating the accreditation of universities those are allegedly trade fake diplomas. Currently, there are around 20 universities under BAN PT surveillance. Among the monitored universities, seven of them have been sanctioned by the Research, Technology and Higher Education Ministry. He asserted the accreditation evaluation process could not be completed in a short period of time. BAN PT will be very prudent in undertaking the evaluation, considering the big number of study programs held by the universities. BAN PT does not expect the universities’ students to be adversely affected by the evaluation results. Link: Posted in Tagged.

Download Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi

Media Indonesia, halaman 15 Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi M Nasir menegaskan, uji kompetensi bagi mahasiswa kedokteran sudah sesuai amanat UU No. 20/2013 tentang Pendidikan Kedokteran. Menurut Nasir, mahasiswa kedoktern harus lulus uji kompetensi nasional dulu. Pihaknya ingin melindungi masyarakat dari praktik-praktik yang tidak benar. Sebelumnya, puluhan dokter yang tergabung dalam Pergerakan Dokter Muda Indonesia (PDMI) pada Senin (7/9) menggelar aksi unjuk rasa di halaman Istana Negara, Jakarta. Para dokter menuntut Kemenristek Dikti mengembalikan ijazah mereka yang ditahan kementerian tersebut.

Ijazah mereka ditahan karena belum ikut uji kompetensi mahasiswa program pendidikan dokter (UKMPPD). Ketua Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia Bambang Suppriyanto menyatakan, UKMPPD yang digelar pemerintah sudah benar karena sesuai dengan UU. Soal yang diberikan pun berkiblat pada Standar Kompetensi Dokter Indonesia yang disepekati sejak 2012. Sementara itu, Ketua Umum Ikatan Dokter Indonesia Zainal Abidin mengusulkan agar Kemenristek Dikti membimbing fakultas kedokteran yang lulusannya banyak gagal di uji kompetensi. Hal itu direspons Direktur Jenderal Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Kemenristek Dikti Intan Ahmad yang menyebut pihaknya sudah meminta universitas yang bersangkutan untuk membimbing mahasiswa yang belum lulus uji kompetensi.

Harapannya, setelah dibimbing, mereka lulus dengan ilmu yang mumpuni. Posted in Tagged. Media Indonesia, page 15 Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education M Nasir affirmed the competency test for medical students is as mandated by Law No.

20/2013 on Medicatl Education. According to Nasir, medical students must pass the national competency test first. His party wants to protect the public from bad practices. Earlier, dozens of doctors joined in the Indonesian Young Physicians Movement (PDMI) held a rally on Monday (7/9) on the premises of the State Palace, Jakarta.

The doctors demanded Kemenristek Dikti return their diplomas the ministry had detained. Their diplomas were detained because they had not taken the medical education program student competency test (UKMPPD). Chairman of the Indonesian Medical Council Bambang Supriyanto declared the UKMPPD held by the government is correct in accordance with the Law. The questions given are oriented towards the Indonesian Physician Competency Standard agreed upon since 2012. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association Zainal Abidin proposed that Kemenristek Dikti guide/coach the faculty of medicine whose graduates many of whom failed in the competency test. This was responded by Director General of Learning and Student Affairs Kemenristek Dikti Intan Ahmad who mentioned she had already asked the relevant universities to coach/ guide students who have not yet passed the competency test. The expectation is after coaching, they could graduate with knowledge that meets qualifications.

Posted in Tagged. Kompas, halaman 11 Pemberantasan penggunaan ijazah palsu jangan diatasi secara reaktif dengan selalu mengeluarkan aturan-aturan. Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi justru harus memperkuat pengawasan dan pembinaan terhadap perguruan tinggi agar mampu meningkatkan layanan pendidikan tinggi berkualitas.

Berbagai kasus terkait pendidikan tinggi sering kali juga karena lemahnya pengawasan. Rektor Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Muhadjir Effendy, mengatakan, jika ada masalah terkait perguruan tinggi, tidak hanya kesalahan lembaga itu. Itu juga mengindikasikan pengawasan pemerintah atau Koordinasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (Kopertis) tidak berjalan. Menurut Muhadjir, pengawasan lewat Pengkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi (PDPT) yang dapat diakses secara daring cukup memadai.

Pengguna, yakni pemerintah, masyarakat, ataupun perusahaan, dapat mengecek kondisi program studi, perguruan tinggi, mahasiswa, dan dosen. Perguruan tinggi harus secara berkala melapor dengan informasi yang benar. Sementara itu, Ketua Badan Pembina Lembaga Pendidikan Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI) Unifah Rosyidi mengatakan, PGRI yang punya 55 perguruan tinggi meminta pemerintah mengutamakan pembinaan. Perguruan tinggi berkomitmen memgutamakan mutu, termasuk memerangi ijazah palsu.

Namun, perlu kebijakan tepat yang mengakomodasi kekhasan perguruan tinggi swasta. Posted in Tagged. Kompas, page 11 The eradication of the use of fake diplomas should not be addressed reactively by always issuing rules. Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in fact must strengthen supervision and coaching/guidance of higher education institutions in order to raise the services of quality universities. Various cases involving higher education are oftentimes due to weak supervision. Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Muhadjir Effendy said if there is a problem related to higher education, it is not only the fault of the institution. This also indicates government supervision or Private Higher Education Coordination (Kopertis) is not running.

According to Muhadjir, supervision through Higher Education Database (PDPT) that could be accessed online is quite adequate. The user, namely the government, the public, or companies, could check the condition of the study programs, higher education institution, students, and lecturers. Higher education institutions should periodically report the correct information.


Akreditasi Universitas Diponegoro

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Education Institutions of the Indonesian Teachers’ Association (PGRI) Unifah Rosyidi said PGRI which has 55 universities asked the government to prioritize coaching/guidance. Higher education institutions are committed to prioritizing quality, including fighting against fake diplomas. However, there needs to be the right policy that accommodates the peculiarities of private universities. Posted in Tagged Post navigation.

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