
Eenie Meenie Miney Moe

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe Average ratng: 4,5/5 330 votes

Jul 24, 2015  Eeney meeney miney moe Catch a tiger by the toe If he hollers let him go Eeney meeney miney moe (Chanting) Eeney meeney miney moe Catch a tiger by the toe If he hollers let him go Eeney meeney.

  1. Eenie Meenie Miney Moe English Video Songs
  2. Eenie Meenie
  3. Eenie Meenie Miney Moe Nursery Rhyme

Other phrases about:. What's the meaning of the phrase 'Eeny, meeny, miny, mo'? The first line of a popular children's counting rhyme. What's the origin of the phrase 'Eeny, meeny, miny, mo'? Of all of the phrases and idioms in the English language 'eeny, meenie, miny, mo' must be the one with the widest variety of spellings. I've opted for 'Eeny, meeny, miny, mo' but there are many others - 'Eenie, meenie, miney, moe', 'Eany, meany, miney, mo' and so on.

Added to that, as far back as the 19th century there have been variants of the rhyme which are so dissimilar to our current version as to be scarcely recognisable - 'Hana, mana, mona, mike' (from New York) and 'Eetern, feetern, peeny, pump' (from Scotland) and many of these now have local variants and words added from other languages. What lies behind this variability is that throughout the 19th century the rhyme spread from different parts of the UK to every playground in the English-speaking world, but by word of mouth rather than on paper. There never was an accepted definitive version, so the children who used the rhyme were very happy to substitute their own words as the mood took them. This rhyme is still used with the 'N' word. As adults, we might be curious as to whether the words mean anything and what their origin might have been.


Children appear to have no such concerns. An example comes from the Danish region near Kattegat, where the Jack and Jill rhyme, which arrived during the British occupation in the Napoleonic wars, was repeated as: Jeck og Jill Vent op de hill Og Jell kom tombling efter.which makes as little sense in Danish as it does in English but, despite it being entirely meaningless to them, the children in the area continued to sing it for centuries. The best known version of the rhyme is the one that is now widely derided as insulting, especially in the USA, where the middle two lines originated: Eena, meena, mina, mo, Catch a n.gger by the toe, If he hollers, let him go, Eena meena, mina, mo. A more acceptable version has now established itself: Eeny, meeny, miny, mo, Catch the tiger/monkey/baby by the toe.

If it hollers USA/screams UK let him go, Eeny, meeny, miny, mo. The rhyme is used by groups of children as a way of selecting someone to take a role that is different from the others. As difference is unwelcome to children, the formula had to be sufficiently unpredictable to be accepted as fair. A leader takes the counting role and, in the rhythm of the rhyme, points to each child in turn. The last line is often topped off with a short emphasized 'You are It!'

Or 'O, U, T spells out!' , which all the children join in with. Sometimes the child pointed to at the end of one count is the one selected - to be 'It' in a game of hide and seek, for example. In more important choices - selecting who has to ask that grumpy man down the road for their ball back - the one pointed to last drops out and the formula is repeated several times until only one is left.

Note: UK residents who voted in the May 2011 referendum might notice a parallel with the 'First Past the Post' and 'Alternative Vote' systems. 'Eeny, meeny, miny, mo' is certainly a strange line, so does it mean anything and does curiosity about its origin lead us anywhere? Well, as is so often the case in etymology, yes and no. There is a similarity between the words of the phrase and some of the numerals in pre-English Celtic and Cumbrian languages; for example, the oral tradition of the English coastal town of Yarmouth voices 'one, two, three, four' as 'ina, mina, tethera, methera'.

Also, the word for 'one' in Welsh, Cornish, Irish and Breton is, respectively, 'un' (pronounced 'een'), 'ouyn', 'aon' and 'unan' - all of them sounding not unlike 'een' or 'eeny'. The age of the phrase is uncertain. It first began to be written down in the 19th century - the scholarly journal Notes and Queries published this in the February 1855 edition: 'The following are used in the United States for the selection of a tagger. Eeny, meeny, moany, mite, Butter, lather, boney, strike, Hair, bit, frost, neck, Harrico, barrico, we, wo, wack' This bears more than a passing resemblance to the English version recorded by Fred Jago in The Glossary of the Cornish Dialect, 1882: Ena, mena, mona, mite, Bascalora, bora, bite, Hugga, bucca, bau, Eggs, butter, cheese, bread. Stick, stock, stone dead - OUT.' There's no doubt that the rhyme is older than the 19th century recorded versions, possibly very much older. The link to the names of numerals in ancient languages is also likely.

Many farmers and fishermen on the fringes of Britain used such language for counting until quite recently and many natives of the north of England can still count from one to five in 'the old way' - 'yan, tan tehera, methera, pimp'. Ancient Celtic counting system or Victorian nonsense verse? American in origin or English? Your best bet is to put all the available theories in a circle and repeat this rhyme - Eeny, meeny.

I will eventually be putting a scope on my AR, once I have access to a range with more than 25 yard lanes. I'm looking for a low power varible of reasonable weight for a general purpose/duty rifle.

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe English Video Songs

Currently it seems there are numerous 1-6 scopes out there and the two currently at the top of the list are: Leupold VX6 Trijicon Accupoint 1-6 Both are in the same neighborhood price wise and optical quality. The Leupy is a bit cheaper and lighter, with the Trijicon I like the battery free illumination and access to triangle post reticle, good KISS scope. What do y'all think though? What else might y'all suggest in that general class? I haven't used one but I like the marketing explanation. All of those $1000 1-6 AR 3-gun scopes have strong backers. Jerry Miculek designed the reticle for the Vortex, Taran Butler helped with the Trijicon, there are a lot of great shooters with Leupolds.

You probably can't go wrong and you probably need to own one to shoot it enough to get accustomed to it. Of course if you're just getting into it then the $300 Vortex Strike Eagle is a lot of scope for the money and won't break the bank. Aero Precision makes a nice ultralight cantilevered mount that is half the price of the Warne. You want a throw lever too, still under $500 good to go. Personally I just got a blow out sale cheap Leupold 1.5-4x20 scope that is more of a hunting scope than a 3-gun scope but for the short ranges and limited use I can give it, I think it will be perfect. One of the big advantages of most Leupolds is that they are lighter but still high quality, this scope only weighs 11 oz.

Problem with Bdc reticles is I will be using varying loads from 55 to 77 gr. I don't think I will be using offset irons, no. I think it somewhat defeats the purpose of a low power optic. I intend to run flip ups with the scope in a QD mount. I have not ruled out a fixed optic such as an ACOG with offeset irons or even a rds. Such a setup may even be better for a pure duty role.

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe

Eenie Meenie


However being my only AR and in fact my only modern rifle at all, it will see more use in a recreational role. The Leupold D-evo is an interesting option but is expensive and, once paired with a red dot, heavy. Especially since the ded dot currently have weighs a hefty 10oz. The D-evo is also not illuminated and is supposed to have a finicky eyebox.

Well this thread may have been resurrected by a bot, which seems to have been banished already, But since I'm still considering scopes. Leupold VX6 is out, I think the Trijicon accupoint outclasses it for a similar price. Its just under my weight limit of 20oz.

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe Nursery Rhyme

I would proly go for the mildot reticle. The Trijicon is currently my lead choice however I am considering two new options: The new Zeiss 1-6 Its s second focal plane scope that weighs around 17oz and has outstanding optical clarity and is supposedly daylight bright. Cost is at my upper limit of around 1.5k This scope basically has everything I'm looking for.

The second option: Eotech Vudu This is a first focal plane scope with a reticle that scales very well in an interesting fashion, I really like it. It weighs just over my limit of 20oz and runs about 1.1k. It apparently has mediocre illumination and the deal breaker of not having either locking or capped turrets. So I guess it comes down to if I want to spend the few hundred extra bucks on the Zeiss over the Trijicon. The reason I'm willing to spend in this range is for tge extra optical clarity, the increased FOV combined with the generous eyebox, something the the cheaper scopes can't quite match.

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