
Open Regedit From Command Prompt

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Use the Recovery Drive Command Prompt to edit the registry or recover data. Type the following command to launch the Registry Editor. Use the Send To command from the Open dialog box to. This cannot be done using regedit.exe itself or any of its command line parameters. However, Microsoft offers regjump.exe, a small utility (previously from SysInternals) that can be used to open the registry editor to a specified key.

  1. Regedit From Command Line
  2. Open Regedit From Command Prompt Windows 10
  3. Regedit From Command Prompt

To add my 2¢, a while back, I wrote a program to simulate keypresses for when regular pasting was not sufficient. I added a special mode for registry keys to let you copy a registry path and press the hotkey while in Regedit to have it automatically navigate to that path. Later, I wrote a program that would do some registry maintenance and needed to provide a jump-to-path function. I ended up having it detect if Regedit is open; if so it sends the right keystrokes (I copied the function from the old program), and if not, it wrote to Regedit LastKey, and opened Regedit; Regedit jumps itself. – Dec 29 '13 at 20:02. This cannot be done using regedit.exe itself or any of its command line parameters.

However, Microsoft offers, a small utility (previously from SysInternals) that can be used to open the registry editor to a specified key. Once you install this you can open to specified key like so: regjump HKEYLOCALMACHINE Software Microsoft Windows or even using abbreviations: regjump HKCU Software Microsoft Windows Available abbreviations are: HKCR - HKEYCLASSESROOT HKCU - HKEYCURRENTUSER HKLM - HKEYLOCALMACHINE HKU - HKEYUSERS HKCC - HKEYCURRENTCONFIG. You can do this by creating a simple VBScript on your desktop, without installing any additional software.


Regedit From Command Line

The script simply sets the 'last used' key in the registry, before then opening it. Open Notepad, stick this into it and save it as FooBar.vbs for example: Set WshShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell') WshShell.RegWrite 'HKCU Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Applets Regedit Lastkey','HKLM Software Microsoft Foo Bar','REGSZ' WshShell.Run 'regedit', 1,True Set WshShell = Nothing In the properties for the.vbs file you can tell it not to pop up a black box as it is running the script, to make it a little tidier. If you wanted to be fancy, you could save the.vbs script somewhere else and create a shortcut on your desktop to it.

You would then be able to change the icon and may it look pretty (if you really wanted to). EDIT - If you wanted to be asked what key you wanted to open each time, here is what you would use instead: Set WshShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell') Dim JumpToKey JumpToKey=Inputbox('Which registry key would you like to open?' ) WshShell.RegWrite 'HKCU Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Applets Regedit Lastkey',JumpToKey,'REGSZ' WshShell.Run 'regedit', 1,True Set WshShell = Nothing. I use a powerful macro program all of the time, primarily to type frequently used things. QMenu also has the ability to RUN applications. When I told the author, Gary Chanson, about regjump and asked if it might be possible to pass the clipboard contents as a command argument, he updated it to allow passing the contents of the clipboard buffer as a variable which means; When I now copy any key to the clipboard, all I have to do is hit the kotkey for QMenu and type 'J' to go directly to that key in Regedit.

However, while the above works in XP, in Win7/8 QMenu fails because of the os' restrictions on running executables. While it would work by setting qMenu up as 'RUN as admin' that required approving every keyboard macro that I called. Set QMenu up to RUN a shortcut for RegJump, and set the shortcut up to 'RUN as admin. (you can pass an argument to a shortcut which will pass it on to the program it launches) If QMenu sounds interesting, I have a page about using it at Note, while I have been using Gary's tools for many years, different AV programs have flagged some of the files as infected.

Open Regedit From Command Prompt Windows 10

In the case of the updated QMenu, it got flagged by Avast, but the issue is supposed to be resolved with their next update. Hope that this information is of value.

Beverly Howard. I have a set of services representing different instances of a bit of homegrown software; the service names all start with the name of the software, followed by certain instance-specific details. ProgramNameDetail1ADetail1B ProgramNameDetail2ADetail2B The descriptions are frequently updated as the intended usage of each instance will change over time, but description can only be changed in the registry.

With that in mind, the following.BAT code finds the first 'ProgramName.' service and opens regedit with that first service already selected. (My service names contain no spaces; if yours do, some adaptation will be required.) @echo off setlocal set first= for /f 'tokens=5 delims= '%%i in ('reg query HKLM system currentcontrolset services /f ProgramName.'

) do call:findfirst%%i if '%first%' ' ( echo No ProgramName entries found in registry. Pause goto:EOF ) reg add HKCU Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Applets Regedit /v LastKey /d Computer HKEYLOCALMACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet services%first% /f start regedit goto:EOF:findfirst if '%first%' ' set first=%1 goto:EOF. One thing you might consider doing if you use Regjump is to set up an environment variable, for example REGJUMP=C: path to regjump.exe. Then you can use Regjump from the 'Start Search' box in, say, the Windows Vista Start Menu: You may need to browse to the location of regjump.exe and set regjump.exe to have 'Run this program as an administrator' Privilege Level on the Properties-Compatibility tab. This will ensure that Regjump operates correctly on computers running with User Account Control.

Regedit From Command Prompt

Small business owners rarely need to change the Windows Registry settings in their computers, but you have to option to update it whenever you like. Windows XP comes with a program that allows you to manage the Registry using a graphical user interface or the Command Prompt window, sometimes still incorrectly called the DOS Prompt. The Command Prompt allows you to execute Registry commands such as Add and Delete by typing them. If you understand Windows, the Registry and Registry keys, you may find it faster to type your commands this way instead of launching Regedit, the graphical user interface that comes with Windows. Type 'reg add /?' - without the quotes - to view help about that command.

The help displays the Add command's syntax and explains each of the command's parameters and switches. It also shows examples of how to use the Add command to add a new key to the registry, as shown below: REG ADD HKLM Software MyCo /v Data /t REGBINARY /d fe340ead The first part of this command contains the name of the parent key to which you want to add another key. That parent key is HKLM Software MyCo. The name of the key you wish to add is Data and its type is REG-BINARY.

The letter 't' before REG BINARY is a switch that tells Windows that this is a type. The value that the command adds is fe340ead. The switch named 'v' precedes that value letting Windows know that fe340ead is a value. If your computer contained a parent key named HKLM Software MyCo and you pressed 'Enter.'

Windows would add your new key and its value to the registry. Tips.

While studying a command's help, note the names of the other switches that you might find useful when issuing commands. The '/f' switch, for instance, tells Windows to force a deletion without issuing a warning prompt. Press your 'Up' arrow key to redisplay commands that you have already entered.

This eliminates the need to retype commands if you want to execute them again. Press the 'Down' arrow to move forward through your command history.

You don't have to type REG DELETE, REG ADD or any of the other commands in uppercase. Windows still executes them if you use lowercase.

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